Suplemento herbal que se usa extensamente en la medicina botanica para condiciones de piedras interhepaticas y piedras en la vesicula al igual que para calculos renales
Contiene: 100 Capsulas
ADVERTENCIA: No pretende tratar, diagnostica, curar o prevenir nunguna enfermedad o condicion medica. Siempre consulte a un medico antes de tomar cualquier suplemento dietetico especialmente si esta embarazada, lactando o tomando medicamentos recetados
Herbal supplement that is widely used in botanical medicine for interhepatic stone conditions and stones in the gallbladder as well as for kidney stones.
Contains: 100 Capsules
WARNING: It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult a physician before taking any dietary supplement especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking prescription medications.
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