Algas Marinas

Algas Marinas





Las algas marinas son ricas en vitaminas y minerals. Son reconocidas por los japoneses como suplemento alimenticio indispensable para la buena salud, son ricas en calcio poseen hasta diez veces mas calcio que la leche.

Contiene: 180 Capsulas

Uso Diario: 2 Capsulas antes del desayuno, y cena con 8 oz de agua.

ADVERTENCIA: No pretende tratar, diagnostica, curar o prevenir nunguna enfermedad o condicion medica. Siempre consulte a un medico antes de tomar cualquier suplemento dietetico especialmente si esta embarazada, lactando o tomando medicamentos recetados.


Seaweeds are rich in vitamins and minerals, are recognized by the Japanese as a nutritional supplement essential for good health, are rich in calcium have up to ten times more calcium than milk.

Contains: 180 Capsules

Daily Use: 2 Capsules before breakfast, and dinner with 8oz of water.

WARNING: It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult a physician before taking any dietary supplement especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking prescription medications

Additional information

Weight 0.33125 lbs


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